Th 20 SEP |
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Official opening with Dorothee Richter and Rakett
Archive opening hours: 18:00 – 21:00
Archive location: Nordnesparken See Map
Guest: Dorothee Richter
Cooking Degree Zero: Anne Szefer Karlsen |
Celebratory opening of Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen. Our first guest and one of our main collaborators, Dorothee Richter, will give a presentation about her and Barnaby Drabble’s work collecting the Curating Degree Zero Archive, its history, aims and future.
Rakett will give an introduction to the upcoming two-week program of events, talks, concerts, and shortly present our ideas and plans for the presentation of Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen.
Surprise-soup will be served by todays chef at Cooking Degree Zero.
About Dorothee Richter | |
Fr 21 SEP |
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Open Archive
Archive opening hours: 15:00 – 18:00
Archive location: Nordnesparken See Map
Cooking Degree Zero: Karolin Tampere + guest, at 16:00 a meal inspired by the Aquarium |
The archive is open to all visitors to come by and dive into, Welcome!
Screenings of selected videoworks from the Curating Degree Zero Archive will be presented by the hosts during the opening hours.
At 16:00 a meal inspired by the Aquarium will be served by todays chefs. |
Sa 22SEP |
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Phonophani concert and talk
Event: 18:00 Concert and talk by Phonophani / Espen Sommer-Eide
Event location: Krypten at HKS, Klosteret 17, entrance from the backside of the building See Map
Archive opening hours: 15:00 - 20:00
Archive location: Klosteret 17 See Map
Guest: Phonophani / Espen Sommer-Eide at 18:00
Cooking Degree Zero: Hilde Jørgensen |
Espen Sommer Eide has since he started with his musical project Phonophani (in 1998) investigated different musical-aesthetical ideas somehow concerned with melancholy and how music connects with various affects in the listener. Lately, he has been occupied with building
instruments both for his solo performances and also for performing together with the group Alog.
At 18:00 this afternoon, he will demonstrate some of his latest creations both by explaining a bit about how they function and also with a short improvisation on the instruments. The instruments are all working with memory in different ways, by recording and playing back the sounds in patterns that mimic the way the human memory functions. Also the parts making up the instruments are themselves a collection of vintage xylophones and loudspeakers. The musical result is pure memory music – the most sad and melancholic music imaginable.
About Espen Sommer Eide | Phonophani |
Su 23SEP |
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Open Archive
Archive opening hours: 15:00 - 18:00
Archive location: Nordnesparken See Map
Cooking Degree Zero: Åse Løvgren, at 16:00 a meal inspired by the view will be prepared outside |
The archive is open to all visitors to come by and dive into, Welcome.
Selected soundworks from the archive will be presented during the opening hours.
At 16:00 a meal inspired by the view will be prepared outside and served by todays chef. |
Mo 24SEP |
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The archive is closed, please visit us tomorrow.
Have a nice day,
Rakett |
Tu 25SEP |
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Open Archive
Archive opening hours: 15:00 - 18:00
Archive location: Universitets høyden, v Johanneskirken See Map
Cooking Degree Zero: Åse Løvgren |
The archive is open to all visitors to come by and dive into, Welcome.
Selected slideshows from exhibitions in the archive will be presented during opening hours. |
We 26SEP |
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Part I: Open lecture by Yvette Brackman
Lecture: 13:00 Open lecture by Yvette Brackman,
Lecture location: Bergen National Academy of Arts, Røde Rommet, Marken 37 See Map
Archive opening hours: 12:00–16:00 (archive closed 13:00 -14:30)
Archive location: Marken 37, parking lot See Map
Guest: Yvette Brackman |
Yvette Brackman will introduce her ongoing project Common Knowledge, which is an association between three parties – Yvette Brackman, a group of indigenous craftspeople in the village of Lovozero on the Kola Peninsula in Russia and Camper Shoes, an international shoe company. In initiating a collaboration between indigenous people and advanced capitalist production, Yvette Brackman has initiated a framework which highlights the problematics of producing a product intended to satisfy cultural, sustainable, artistic, traditional and economic requirements.
The Onsdags Seminar lecture is in co-operation with Øystein Hauge and Bergen National Academy of Art.
About Yvette Brackman
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Part II: Medical Meal at Fløyen by Geir Tore Holm
Event: 18:00 - 20:00 Medical Meal at Fløyen by artist Geir Tore Holm
Event location: Skomakardiket at The Citymountain Fløyen See Map
Guest: Yvette Brackman and Geir Tore Holm |
This evening you are invited to join a talk alongside the preparation of a meal which is the first part of artist Geir Tore Holm’s project Medical Meal. Holm will during cooking, introduce the ingredients of this meal, which all contain healthy qualities for our body and the environment. This will be continued by a conversation between Yvette Brackman and Geir Tore Holm, with the starting point in the closest surroundings and continuing through their ideas, thoughts and questions connected to each of their projects, Common Knowledge and Sørfinnset skole/ the nord land.
This event is located outdoors, on the top of the city mountain of Bergen. Remember to bring warm clothes and something warm to sit on.
Either follow the main path and take a walk up the mountain or use the funicular to the final stop. There you will find signs leading you to Skomakerdiket.
Please see directions on map
Funicular transport
Don't get lost, contact Rakett
About Geir Tore Holm and Yvette Brackman | Sørfinnset Skole |
Th 27SEP |
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Presentation: 17:00 Ballongmagasinet (Søssa Jørgensen and Yngvild Færøy)
Presentation location: Universitets høyden v Johanneskirken See Map
Archive opening hours: 15:00 – 19:00
Archive location: Universitets høyden v Johanneskirken See Map
Guests: BallongMagasinet (Søssa Jørgensen and Yngvild Færøy)
Cooking Degree Zero: Odd Øyvind Fjelldal |
We have the honour to host the seniors on the Norwegian sound art scene, BallongMagasinet. They are invited to elaborate around their recent publication Lydboka (Soundbook) and the mediation
of sound art through this textual formate. By presenting selected
sound works from both their own and the Curating Degree Zero Archive,
they will introduce a variety of their ideas, thoughts and projects
associated to curating, archiving and presentation of sound art.
Ballongmagasinets Lydbok is to be included in the CDZ archive.
Todays chef is inspired by the traditional Norwegian cuisine, concisting of sheep and cabbage.
About Ballongmagasinet |
Fr 28SEP |
Part I: Franz Pomassl and Sex Tags Mania presents Skeleton (presentation)
Presentation: 17:30 Franz Pomassl and Sex Tags presents the collaboration Skeleton
Presentation location: Bergenhus Festning v Håkonshallen See Map
Archive opening hours: 15:00 – 20:30
Archive location: Bergenhus Festning v Håkonshallen See Map
Guests: Franz Pomassl and Sex Tags
Cooking Degree Zero: Sveinung og Borghild Unneland |
This date we have the honour to host an event in three parts, and all in collaboration with the Bergen based artist-duo Sex Tags. First part is a presentation by Sex Tags and Franz Pomassl on their recent collaboration named Skeleton, which is an edit project based on audio material created in 1996 by Pomassl.
The Austrian sound-artist will also include a talk on his and Anna Ceeh’s record label Laton, meant to release experimental electronic music and sound-art, with focus on former Sovjet countries.
Vienna based sound artist Franz Pomassl works with the perception of sound, both conceptual and physically, with his projects that range from infrasonics sound installations, conceptual minimal techno releases and development of electro-acoustic machines and devices. Pomassl is engaged in the deconstruction and expansion of familiar ways of hearing with his installations that often are experienced aural, he explores where the acoustic reception lies, based on infra and ultrasound.
Skeleton (MANIA 10) will be released on 12" vinyl by Sex Tags Mania during the event and will be be included in the Curating Degree Zero Archive.
About Franz Pomassl and Sex Tags | | |
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Part II: Skeleton concert
Concert: 19:30 Franz Pomassl concert
Concert location: The location will be announced to a pre-reserved guestlist only (limited to 20 persons)
For reservation contact:
(+47) 48296349 or
Guests: Franz Pomassl and Sex Tags |
Photo: Stefan Lugbauer 2004 |
As the second part we proudly invite to a very special concert experience delivered by Franz Pomassl. The location will be announced to a pre-reserved guestlist only (limited to 20 persons)
To make an reservation and join this list (limited to 40 persons)
please contact (+47) 48296349 or
About Franz Pomassl and Sex Tags | |
Part III: Sex Tags Mania presents Skeleton releaseparty
Party: 23:00 Franz Pomassl & Sex Tags djs
Party location: Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall, Rasmus Meyers Allé 5 See Map
Cover: 50 KR / 70 KR including Skeleton record
Guests: Franz Pomassl and Sex Tags |
At last but not least on this fast rolling three wheel, Sex Tags Mania throws a party to celebrate their newest release with Pomassl, Skeleton!
The crew of Austrian originated and label network operators, will this evening meet up to battle on the turntables, an event where today’s exploring pioneers of new electronic music and future experimental sounds are at play. Put your dance shoes on and turn up the bass!
About Franz Pomassl and Sex Tags | |
Sa 29SEP |
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Living Catalogue
Presentation: 18:00 - 20:00
Location: Visitor's Center at Bryggen Bergen See Map (Follow signs)
Guests: Living Catalogue, Andrew Cannon, Annette Schemmel, Camila Marambio, Magdalena Ziolkowska, Maaike Gouwenberg and Karolin Tampere
Cooking Degree Zero: Torill Johannessen |

Bijlmer housing area. Photo: Karolin Tampere |
Living Catalogue is the continuation of The Go-Between - an series of 10 artist projects in the Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam. The six curators will be gathered in the formate of their Living Catalogue, and give a talk on their challenges, experiences and the artist projects that all in all was a three month ongoing process.
Instead of choosing to document this exhibition in the formate of a printed matter, the curators wish to, in collaboration with the artists, to open up a dialogue and continue thinking, discussing and debating the ideas, challenges and expansions of collaborative curatorial practice and art in public space. Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen is honoured to be the first venue to host the Living Catalogue, which then will travel to De Appel art center in Amsterdam (3rd October) followed by Van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven. During 2007 Living Catalogue will also be presented in Chile, Argentina and Los Angeles amongst other venues soon to be added.
We will be located at Bryggen, the wharf of Bergen, which is a reminder of the towns importance as part of the Hanseatic League's trading empire from the 14th to the mid 16th century. This night is kindly supported by Stiftelsen Bryggen.
About the participants |
The Go-Between
Su30SEP |
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Reading the archive, with Henk Slager
Reading group: 14:00 - 16:00
Note: Participation must be booked advance! Register by mail
Opening hours Archive: 12:00 – 14:00
Location: Naturhistorisk Museum, Muséplass 3 See Map
Cooking Degree Zero: Kjetil Kausland |
Henk Slager is invited to think along and discuss the topic of art as a domain of knowledge production and how it differs from other fields of knowledge production. This theme will have a starting point in a text by Sarat Maharaj. Rakett warmly invites you to join the reading group by contacting us, the text will be forwarded you by e-mail for you to read on beforehand.
Henk Slager, PhD. studied philosophy, art history and semiotics. He is Dean of the Utrecht Graduate School of Visual Art and Design (, its professor of Artistic Research, and tutor Theory in the postgraduate Curatorial Training Program of De Appel Foundation, Amsterdam. Henk Slager also works as an independent curator, is a board member of EARN (European Artistic Research Network) and general editor of MaHKUzine, Journal of Artistic Research.
Contact Rakett
About Henk Slager |
Mo 01OCT
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The archive is closed, please visit us tomorrow.
Have a nice day,
Rakett |
Tu02OCT |
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Open Archive
Archive opening hours: 15:00 - 18:00
Archive location: Universitetshøyden v Johanneskirken See Map
Cooking Degree Zero: Åse Løvgren serves heartshaped waffles with goat cheese at 16:00 |
The archive is open to all visitors to come by and dive into. Selected works from the archive will be presented during the opening hours and the hosts will be available for help to navigate through the archive. Comfortable chairs for long hours of reading are also available.
At 16:00 Todays chef serves heartshaped waffles with goat cheese, Welcome. |
We03OCT |
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Lecture by Bik Van der Pol
Lecture: 13:00 Open lecture by Bik Van der Pol
Lecture location: Bergen National Academy of Arts, Røde Rommet, Marken 37 See Map
Archive opening hours: 12:00–16:00 (archive closed 13:00 -14:30)
Archive location: Marken 37, parking lot See Map
Guest: Bik Van der Pol |
Bik Van der Pol's projects engage with functionality and site sensitivity, concerned with interaction at an institutional and intimate, local
level. They engage with revitalization of memory in the present and
with questions of knowledge, thus creating the necessary potential for
a dialogue and an ever reforming discourse through which they develop
an understanding of situations that surround us. They aim to improve
situations, add what is missing, highlight what is in the dark and to
open rather than close. Their working method is based on co-operation
and they use this as a platform for various kinds of communicative
activities. Exploring and activating such platforms is one of the main
threads in their work.
About Bik Van der Pol |
Th04 OCT |
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Bik Van der Pol
Archive opening hours: 15:00 – 21:00
Archive location: outside Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall, Rasmus Meyers Allé 5 See Map
Guest: Bik Van der Pol
Cooking Degree Zero: Marte Johnslien |
Nomads in residence, project by Bik Van der Pol |
In order to constantly generate action, to try to find solutions (real or imaginary) we sincerely believe in the huge potential and positive impact of not expecting anything: not expecting change, not expecting fame, not expecting respect, not expecting love, not expecting hate, not expecting... A lot of changes depend on the talent for making exciting and unexpected discoveries entirely by chance. When one has no expectations beforehand, one may be able to have freedom of action and sensitivity towards each situation.
The only important thing is to create-in a very precise, but at the same time improvised manner-the situation where open communication can flourish, a situation that builds trust and generates circumstances where intelligent critisism and support can contribute equally to change.
Exerpt from Changing the System Unexpectedly by Liesbeth Bik and Jos Van der Pol, Nifca Issue: Changing the System? Artists talk about their practice (1999).
About Bik Van der Pol | |
Fr05OCT |
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Talks by Marte Johnslien and Anne Szefer Karlsen
Presentation: 19:00 Marte Johnslien and Anne Szefer Karlsen
Location: Visitor's Center at Bryggen Bergen See Map (Follow signs)
Guests: Anne Szefer Karlsen and Marte Johnslien
Cooking Degree Zero: Steffen Håndlykken |

Photo: Marte Johnslien |
Anne Szefer Karlsen shows the video work " Failed, Emerging and Young" (2004) by Flávia Müller Medeiros, where the artist asked curators to talk about three different terms by which artists are defined.
Marte Johnslien takes her recently published book Showgrounds as a point of departure when she is asking - if it is possible to make the art world more inclusive to non-western artists by highlighting eclectic features of our history, and thereby challenging our cultural identity and concept of cultural authenticity?
About Anne Szefer Karlsen and Marte Johnslien | | |
Sa06OCT |
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Discussion with panel consisting of: Matt Packer, Ann Demeester, Sissel Lillebostad, moderator Helga Marie Nordby
Discussion: 19:00
Discussion Location: Bien Bar, Fjøsangerv. 30, Danmarksplass See map
Archive opening hours: 14:00 – 17:00
Discussion Location: Solheimsgt. 5, Danmarksplass See Map
Guests: Ann Demeester, Matt Packer and Sissel Lillebostad, moderator Helga Marie Nordby
Cooking Degree Zero: to be confirmed |
Where does the field of practice stand today, and what are the challenges it is facing. In which direction are we heading, or rephrased, in which direction or directions would we like to head?
The discussions around Biennials and similar exhibition models have been ongoing for the last few years. Art institutions and cities see Biennials as a way of putting themselves on the map. The criticism has been compound, but arguments have often been connected to manifestations of culture political power. How do we reflect upon the upcoming Biennial in the city of Bergen for example? With the recent increase in curator-educations, it is necessary to look upon who defines the area of curatorial practice and the agendas and aims for the curator of the future?
Rakett has invited two deans of curatorial courses, Ann Demeester and Sissel Lillebostad that together with Matt Packer (recently graduated from the Curatorial course at Goldsmiths) will give us their view on these questions.
Ann Demeester: director of de Appel art center in Amsterdam, also home for the Curatorial Program, which is one of the first programs for curators in Europe, started in 1994.
Sissel Lillebostad coordinator at Creative Curatorial practice, which is the first MA course on curating in Norway, started in 2006 at Bergen National Academy of Fine Arts.
Matt Packer, Fellow at Glucksman Gallery, Cork.
Moderator is Helga Marie Nordby, Director of UKS in Oslo.
About the participants | | | | |
Su07OCT |
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Release of Rakett's archive-fanzine
Opening hours: 15:00 – 18:00
Location: Outside of USF Verftet at Nordnes See Map
Guest: CTR+Z
Cooking Degree Zero: Kari Anne Østrem |
Last day of Rakett presents Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen!
Today our Rakett archive-fanzine will be released. The fanzine features texts by Tone Hansen, Steffen Håndlykken, Hjørdis Kurås, Hanne Mugaas andPower Ekroth, besides a introduction by Rakett. The texts evolve around questions connected to the collaboration between artists and curators and their use of archives. The event will include a conversation with Steffen Håndlykken who has contributed with the text Curating Degree Zero as seen through a window. He will present his collaborative work the artist group the Institute of Colour and their exhibition and summer academy Scramble for Survival. The publication is made possible in co-operation with CTRL+Z Publishing in Bergen.
About the participants | Ctrl+Z | Scramble For Survival